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How to create a basic website with PHP and HTML

Here are simplified steps to create a basic website using PHP and HTML: Set Up a Development Environment: Install a local server like XAMPP or MAMP. Create a project folder in the server's "htdocs" directory. Create HTML File: Create an index.html file in your project folder. Write basic HTML structure, like <!DOCTYPE html> and <html> tags. Add Content: Inside the <body> tag, add your website content using HTML elements like <header> , <nav> , <section> , <footer> , etc. Create PHP File: Create a new file, e.g., index.php , in the same project folder. Write PHP code using <?php and ?> tags. You can mix HTML and PHP in the same file. Connect HTML and PHP: Use PHP to dynamically generate content or embed PHP within HTML as needed. For example, <?php echo "Hello, World!"; ?> will display "Hello, World!" on the webpage. Run Your Website: Start your local server. Open a web browser and navigate to

Bold text in HTML

<b>This text is bold</b> In a web browser this displays simply as:   This text is bold

Create a hyperlink in HTML

To create a hyperlink that the user can click to navigate to another document, you use the <a>  tag (which stands for anchor), like this:   <a href=′http://google.com′>Visit Google</a> In a web browser this displays simply as:  Visit Google

Web Code Chinese Chess game using ajax (jsp)

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Webgame Chinese Chess using ajax (jsp)

Android 3.0 Animations, free ebook

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Chapter 1: Animation Techniques on Android  An animat ed applicaton: counting calculat or  Time for action – learning t o count with the countng calculat or 

Advanced Androd Games, ebook download

Welcome to Advanced Android 4 Games. This book will help you create great games for the Android platform. There are plenty of books out there that tackle this subject, but only this book gives you a unique perspective by showing you howeasy it is to bring native PC games to the platform with minimum effort. This is done using real-world examples and source code in each chapter. Keep in mind that before you dig intothis book, you will need a solid foundation in Java and ANSI C. I have tried to clearly and simply explain the most complicated concepts with a combination of graphics and sample code. The source code provided for each chapter will help you understand the concepts in detail and make the most of your time as a mobile game developer.

What Hardware/Software Will You Need for Android Games

A Windows or Linux PC with a Java SDK Properly Installed  I guess this is kind of obvious, as most development for Android is done in Java. Note that I mentioned a Java SDK, not JRE. The SDK is required because of the JNI header files and command line tools used throughout the latter chapters.